The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 119: Epilogue

Chapter 119: Epilogue

Oh, son of a bitch, this asshole!? How is he even back!?

Universal Control appears to be operating normally.

The terminal connected without any issues.

I knew you could do it, Ida-kun. After all that, I’m glad I gave you full control…
Tomi… I have to know.

I was alone after I shifted to the command ship. But in my darkest hour… do you know whose ID I relied on?
…Shu Amiguchi’s.

It’s you, Ida-kun. It’s always been you. Don’t you know that by now?


I just… All I ever wanted was to be with you.
If it’s possible, I’d like to join you. Wherever you are.
You’d come here? That would be great. …But… Maybe it should wait until after all the sectors are back?

You doubt me?
No… No doubts at all, Ida-kun.

Gross. I’m gonna barf.

…The command ship is about to cross the horizon. It’ll be goodbye, at least for another 14 hours.
Yes… But until we’re cut off… could I hear you sing again?

Music: Seaside Vacation (Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto Lyricist: Rikako Watanabe, Vocals: Hu Ito)

…Wait, what? Gouto and Ryoko are in here? And the city’s fixed? When is this taking place?

Never thought I’d be back here…

So? How’s life on the outside?

We now have two bases established above ground. Somehow, we’ve achieved some measure of stability.

Ryoko and I have a new project. We’re looking into using the pods to recreate the people of this city.

Ah, I see. Increasing the pool of genetic diversity while also bringing out the AI people we all know and… love? There’s only like three of them I would call actual characters, everyone else is a Protagonist or a nobody.

We found research notes from Ryoko Shinonome. The genetic engineer. Now we know enough to manipulate genetic information. It’s definitely possible.

Sounds familiar. From before the plan, right? I suppose she was working on something like that…

I don’t know when we’ll be ready. But even if it takes years… We want them to see the second Earth. We’d welcome them.
Well, then. Sounds like you’re doing just fine. I guess I won’t need to step in and lead you after all.
I’ve heard a lot about you, Professor… Could we ask you to review our research?

Fine. I can manage a peer review.
*nods to Ryoko* Thank you, Professor Morimura.

Yes, Miura is also here.
Then I’m going to have to visit him.

Allow us to accompany you.



Wh-What’s gotten into you two?

I just saw Natsuno-chan, and she was a crying mess too…

What do you mean?
I just… I really, really missed you.
You’re acting so strange, Usami-chan.
Hey, Miwa-chan… Let’s go out to eat. Any of your favorite places.
Yeah, yeah! Our treat.
What…? What’s going on?


Falling for me all over again?

Christ, Nenji.

You are such an ass…! You know, I didn’t forget you calling me dogface! Screw you, Captain Pompadour!


That’s what I said!

Whoaaa whoa whoa!

Nothing, nothing…

Sorry. Where did Ei go?
Eh, you know… He’s never been great with this stuff…
Antisocial as always, huh… He said he was gonna hang back and monitor everyone’s pods.
Oh well.

That’s right, everyone. Ei is not in this epilogue sequence because he’s… monitoring the pods. Sorry if you liked him.

Uh… What? No! Of course not. Don’t worry about all that, okay?
What do you feel like eating?


That’s how I came out of the pod with you, too.
We’d never have come so far without you, Izumi-san. After all you did to get the new facilities up and running…
Hey, come on, man. Remember, I’m Kyuta Shiba here.
Got it… Shiba-kun.

Everything’s back how it used to be…
Still… There are definitely gonna be some inconsistencies. We basically forced a reset to right before the disaster…
*elbows Juro* You worry too much, Juro. Inconsistencies aren’t a big deal! Universal Control can handle that stuff.
*chuckle* I guess so.
My data’s all in this place now anyway. So you’re gonna be on your own from now on. So you’re gonna be on your own from now on.
I know.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. The one I got today is gonna blow your mind.


No offense, Shiba, but fuck no.

Goddammit, Juro.


I guess I didn’t realize how rugged you’d become in these last five years. You’re so cute back here…
But you… you’re as gorgeous as you always were.

Barf. Cooing over each other like braindead lovebirds…

Ugh. This is so boring.
*blushing* Please… Do you really have to act like that now?

Guess I’m just a third wheel here anyway.

You should come over to our house later.
I’ll have a feast ready.

Music: The One (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Hey, Nenji. I certainly remember that hairstyle.

You waitin’ for Natsuno?
Yes, we’re supposed to meet up here.

Put ‘em up, asshole. We’re gonna settle this beef once and for all.

*getting teary-eyed* You’ve been waitin’ all this time…? For me?
I, uh… yeah?

What the hell’s your problem…?

God, it’s good to see you too, man!

H-Hey, boss, I think he’s cryin’…

Ha! Oh man, I love that scene. RIP Billy Kametz.

I just had to stop by the lockers…
Your eyes are red. Were you crying?
Well, yeah… ‘cause…

Oh, hey! BJ’s back!

It’s BJ all right.

The same data that we’re still using today. He’s always been saving us.
We’ve only been able to return here thanks to you. We owe you so much…
All of you are the incredible ones.

You’d take me?
Yeah, BJ!

…Maybe. Let me think about it.
Well, for now… should we get going?

Where are you taking me today?
I’m taking you home! It’s about time you met my parents.

Right now?

If it wasn’t clear yet, the epilogue takes place in the simulation so they could reuse all the old character and background art. This game suffered some pretty notable budget and time cuts near the end of its development. Hell, there was supposed to be a plotline with the Hijiyama AI from the previous loop, but that character was cut entirely.

Konatsu was so fussy today. Took forever to get into the pod.
‘Cause Konatsu loves mommy so much!
She looks just like you, you know. Spitting image of you when we were kids. When I look at her, sometimes I feel like… She’s as much your kid as mine.

WHOA! This is… really weird, considering Yuki is biologically Natsuno’s mother! I do not feel qualified to have any further opinion about this!

Well, I dunno if I had any hand in it…
Anyway, I heard the news. Finally getting hitched, huh?

Gotta say, Keitaro needs to unclench a little…

This is a chance to take responsibility…
You definitely take it more seriously than somebody I know. Okay, so? When’s the big day?
Well, for today… I’m just taking him to see my folks.
Wow, meeting the in-laws? Man. Now that takes me back. I wonder how your mom’s doing.

Ask yourself!

Let’s go see her.
What about Shu-kun?
…What about that sleazebag?

Here you are.

Ah, come on… We came out all this way and you’re still mad? Nothing even happened!


After all this shit about “always being on the ladies’ side,” too.

That makes it so much worse, dude!

I don’t wanna hear it. Konatsu’s all I need.
…Yeah, you’re right. I’ve been a real idiot.

Yuki, why!?

I’d never find anyone better than you anyway. Not in this time… or any other.

Look, you can’t smooth-talk me! You don’t get off that easy!

Dude, keep it in your pants for five fucking minutes!

Well, too bad. I’m going to Nat-chan’s place.

Yuki, it’s weird to invite yourself when your friend is introducing her parents to her fiancé.

I’ll come pick you up on the bike.

If you really think so, Nat-chan…

Music: Forty Winks (Rikako Watanabe)

It’s been 40 years, but it’s still the place we know.
Yes. This certainly brings back memories.
Sector 5 is almost restored, too. When it’s ready, we should take Keitaro back on a visit home. Just the three of us.
It makes me think… If we really came this far in just 40 years… Then we can rebuild our future out there, too.

So this is why you left me behind? Sneaking off for a date? You must think you’re a real playboy now.

Oh my! How adorable. You’re back in the Kiriko-chan dress.
What’s the matter, Hijiyama-kun?


You still don’t get it? Come on, think about it. This is a virtual world.

Hey, check if you want.
Wh… You can’t just tell me to…
What, now of all times you lose that confidence?

*giggling* My, Takatoshi-san! You really do like Okino-kun, don’t you?

Jesus christ, this game is still trying to fuck with me, huh?

Two Tamao-sans?
Yeah… This is No. 18.
So she’s the Tamao-san from the loop before us…
Her mind is housed inside this android. It’s not like she’s a stranger, so I brought her back, too.

So you’re the other me. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Well, anyhow. No point just standing around here. Let’s go outside.

I knew you were a lost cause when it comes to dates, but this is just sad. Or were you gonna jump her?

Ah, well. I suppose I’d better step in.


We’ll be just fine.
Wait a minute… W-What’s this about couples?

Why should I listen to you…?

How sweet. Well, sweet by Okino’s standards, anyway. I didn’t need basically everyone (except Gouto and Ryoko, thankfully, cause that sure woulda been weird) to pair off in the end here, but I like most of the pairings so whatever.

I don’t know what it was like for all of you… or… Maybe I just want to know what really came of all our efforts.
Then let’s talk. It’d be my pleasure to explain. It took an incredible amount of time, but… What they achieved truly was… a miracle.


Music: A F8ful Struggle (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

I told you I’d rescue you. You still remember?
…Yes. I remember.
I know it took a while, but… I was hoping we could have a fresh start.
A fresh start?
Yeah… Didn’t we make another promise? We said, once the dust finally cleared… we’d talk. Right?
…I remember that, too.
There was one more thing. You probably don’t remember this one, so I’ll just say it again.